this is an easter
My name is Benji or cute variants. I'm from latinamerica, and when I'm not frolicking in absolute terror and confusion, you can find me drawing or playing illegally obtained videogames.
My main interest are comics.
emoji key
if you remember to tag this, you are the coolest If anything makes me feel uncomfortable, I will softblock and interact correctly if needed. You can also @ me with no fear to ask me for the reason (I might not answer this tho). I hardly ever hard block anyone, if I did I am sure it was on a wimp, but you can also ask why if you really need to know, but I will probably won't even remember. Also, I do not require to know when or why you soft block me, unless I state otherwise while taking a hiatus from vent or twitter.
You can find my contact info (twitter, discord, tell, etc) on my pinned. If you took the time to read all this gibberish you are a champ. |